So I've been praying over the summer about Washington, DC. My Dad recently took my oldest daughter for a day and a half trip to DC, as a 13th birthday gift to her. She returned home with many stories and a lifetime worth of photos and memories. It really sparked something in me. I've been to DC before, also with my dad, but it was when I was a child. I've wanted to go back and re-experience it, not only as an adult, but as an adult who's now a homeschooling mom. And, as a mom who just happens to be teaching American history THIS YEAR. So, I've been praying. Even though we have 5 kids, I really wanted to just do the trip with myself and the 2 oldest kids. They're the kids who get the least "Mom Time" and I wanted to just invest that time in them and really enjoy it, seeing all the we could and pointing out things that will jog their memories as we continue to study this year.
Fast forward to today. I work part-time as a photographer's assitant. She called this morning and asked if I'd be willing to travel for a shoot next week. I said I didn't know, I'd have to work out care for my kids. She then said that she was taking her 2 daughters with her and wondered if I'd like to bring my 2 oldest kids along as well...for a 5-6 day trip to Washington, DC!!! Only about 3 of those days are actual working days, so we'll actually have some playtime! I could've cried!!! God is so good to me! He's sending us, and paying for it! How Awesome!
I think I fit in your pocket.
Hey Danielle! That is sooo cool! I hope you guys have a great time! Alicia
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